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Amendments of Terms and Conditions of registration applicable for the top-level domain .se and .nu

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Swedish Internet Foundation has updated its terms and conditions for .se and .nu domains.

These changes are in place for all domain owners since November 1. If you manage .se or .nu domains through INWX, you have already received this notification in advance.

The revised version of the Terms and Conditions can be viewed at:

In short, the changes made are as follows:

  • Clarification in section 4.1.1, the condition to provide personal identification number, or corporate identity number, is widened to cover also foreign equivalents (applicable only for .se).
  • Addition in section 5.1.4 regarding the Swedish Internet Foundation’s right to change, or remove, any provided name servers if considered obviously incorrect.
  • Addition in section 6.1.2, in case of deficiency of the domain holder’s responsibility to provide correct information, it is clarified that the domain holder is not entitled to perform registration services until the deficiency is remedied.
  • Addition in section 6.1.5 regarding right to deny renewal of a domain name if the domain holder has been dissolved (bankruptcy/liquidation/deceased, whereby the estate has been dissolved).
  • Addition in section 7.3.1, a referral to Procedural Rules (applicable for .se).
  • Adjustment in section 7.3.1 to Swedish general court, and the current limitation to Stockholm District Court is deleted (applicable for .se).


11/1/21 PROMOS in November 2021 at INWX

Register in November 2021 your desired domain with a discount of up to 91%!

10/7/21 Price adjustments

Due to an increased purchase price for some domain endings, we have to adjust the prices for these domain extensions on 2021-12-15.


10/1/21 PROMOS in October 2021 at INWX

Register in October 2021 your desired domain with a discount of up to 95%!

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