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Merry INW-Xmas and a Happy New Year

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

We would like to thank all customers, business partners and colleagues for the wonderful cooperation this year.

In order to be able to support you again with full commitment in the coming year, the INWX team is taking a short break on the holidays.

For this reason our support will not be available on 25.12.2020, 26.12.2020 und 01.01.2021.

On 24.12.2020 and 31.12.2020 our support will only be available via e-mail. Between and after the holidays we are available for you as usual and look forward to your inquiries and calls.

With our online help you will get quick and easy answers to your questions even outside of our support hours. Click on "Help" on our homepage and you will be directed to our online help system.

The INWX team wishes you a merry Christmas and a happy new year 2021!

12/14/20 INWX news in December

Great news in INWX December: We were able to ge accredited for the two TLDs .sh and .ac.


12/9/20 Stay in .CONTACT

Today starts the new domain .CONTACT!


12/3/20 Increased DDoS protection for our servers

In order to be able to react even better to DDoS attacks in the future, we have once again strengthened our protective measures against such attacks and now have even more sophisticated DDoS protection.


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