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Domain Promotion in February 2012

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Save more than 35 % when transferring your .DE domain. From February 1 until February 29, 2012 every registrar transfer of .DE domains will be charged with only EUR 2.99 (net: 2.51) instead of EUR 4.65 (net: 3.91).

The change of the provider can easily be realized in your personal customer account with the AuthCode via the menu option “Domain transfer”. The domain will be transferred in real-time.

The price is valid for domain transfers of .DE domains for the first year. New registrations and renewals will be charged with the standard price.

We also want to remind you of our other already running promotions:

.ME domains until 03/31/2012 for only EUR 9.95 (net: 8.36) instead of EUR 19.90 (net: 16.72)

.ASIA domains until 02/29/2012 for only EUR 5.99 (net: 5.03) instead of EUR 15.90 (net: 13.36)

Prices are valid only for new registrations for .ME and .ASIA domains for the first year. Transfers and renewals will be charged with the standard price.

1/18/12 New features for the customer area

Interactive Domain List, Full screen, Tagging of domain names, Account statement and receipt as PDF, Easy display of the Service PIN, Premature domain renewals possible …more

1/11/12 .WF, .TF, .RE, .PM and .YT now also for private persons from Europe

As of now the french TLDs .WF, .TF, .RE, .PM and .YT can also be registered by private persons from Europe. …more

12/23/11 New Year's Promotion in January 2012

French domains for only for only EUR 9.99 (net: 8.40) instead of EUR 35.70 (net: 30.00). ASIA for only EUR 5.99 (net: 5.03) instead of EUR 15.90 (net: 13.36). …more

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