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PROMOS in June 2024 at INWX

Saturday, June 1, 2024

In June 2024 we offer you some selected domain endings for special conditions.
Benefit from discounts up to 95% on the registration of your desired domain!

TLD Default Price Promotion Price Discount
.UK 11,90 6,55 - 45 %
.DK 26,18 10,00 - 62 %
.GG 99,90 55,00 - 45 %
.CZ 29,90 10,00 - 67 %
.CLUB 35,70 17,85 - 50 %
.DAD 15,01 6,00 - 60 %
.NET 17,26 12,79 - 26 %
.ART 23,80 3,53 - 85 %
.IT.COM 35,11 12,00 - 66 %
.SHOP 39,00 1,79 - 95 %
.EUS 26,18 11,60 - 56 %

Price in EUR inc. 19% VAT. Different tax rates may apply for your country.
We will show you the applicable prices in the customer area.

The above prices apply to new registrations in the first year.
Transfer and renewals are at standard price. Different prices may apply for premium domains.

5/8/24 Support's availability on holidays in May

On the holidays in May the INWX Team will get a rest as well.

Therefore, our support will not be available on Labor Day, May 01, 2024, Ascension Day, May 9, 2024 and Whit Monday, May 20, 2024.

Thank you for your understanding and happy holidays.


5/8/24 Disruption in the registration of .tk domains

It is currently possible to register .tk domains, but .tk domains that are newly registered are not accessible because the name servers are not set correctly by the registry operator.

The registry operator is working on a solution, but cannot say how long the problems will last.



5/1/24 Price adjustment

Due to increased costs in purchasing and our already very low prices, we unfortunately have to adjust the fees for some domain extensions.
