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The communication is realized through XML-RPC and JSON-RPC (Remote Procedure Call) services. This is a specification by sending HTTP(S) requests to a assigned address. All client requests and server answers are using the XML or JSON format. The client must send the XML or JSON request via HTTP(S) POST and the server response is a XML or JSON document as well.

The first request must be an account.login command. In case of a succeded login you will receive a cookie session id in the header of the response. Please send it for all further requests.

The addresses of the provided services are:

  • for the test environment

  • for the production environment

For more information about XML-RPC, visit the web site at

Example of a XML-RPC request:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Main (optional) parameters

  • lang: Language of the return message ('en' or 'de')

  • clTRID: The clTRID stands for Client Transaction Identifier and may be helpful for your support team

Method parameters

Are described in Chapter 2: Methods.