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The nameserver object provides methods to manage the nameserver domains and their records.

2.15.1. nameserver.check

Checks if the given nameservers are responding accordingly. Input

Table 2.182. Parameters

domainDomain name token255 true 
nsList of nameserver nsList true Output

Table 2.183. Parameters

... nsGiven nameserver token255  
... messageListCheck messages array_text255  
... statusStauts of the nameserver check text64  

2.15.2. nameserver.clone

Clones cource domain DNS to target DNS. Input

Table 2.184. Parameters

sourceDomainSource domain name token255 true 
targetDomainTarget domain name token255 true Output

Table 2.185. Parameters

roIdID of new zone int  

2.15.3. nameserver.create

Creates a domain in the nameserver. Input

Table 2.186. Parameters

domainDomain name token255 true 
typeType of nameserver entry nsType true 
nsList of nameserver nsList false 
masterIpMaster IP address ip false 
webWeb nameserver entry token0255 false 
mailMail nameserver entry text0255 false 
soaEmailEmail address for SOA record email false 
urlRedirectTypeType of the url redirection urlRedirectType false 
urlRedirectTitleTitle of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectDescriptionDescription of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectFavIconFavIcon of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectKeywordsKeywords of the frame redirection token0255 false 
testingExecute command in testing mode boolean falsefalse
ignoreExistingIgnore existing boolean falsefalse Output

Table 2.187. Parameters

roIdCreated DNS domain id int  

2.15.4. nameserver.createRecord

Creates a new nameserver record. Input

Table 2.188. Parameters

domainDomain name token255 false 
roIdDNS domain id int false 
typeType of the nameserver record recordType true 
contentContent of the nameserver record text true 
nameName of the nameserver record token0255 false 
ttlTTL (time to live) of the nameserver record int false3600
prioPriority of the nameserver record int false0
urlRedirectTypeType of the url redirection urlRedirectType false 
urlRedirectTitleTitle of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectDescriptionDescription of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectFavIconFavIcon of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectKeywordsKeywords of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlAppendAppend the path for redirection boolean falsefalse
testingExecute command in testing mode boolean falsefalse Output

Table 2.189. Parameters

idCreated record id int  

2.15.5. nameserver.delete

Deletes a nameserver domain Input

Table 2.190. Parameters

domainDomain name token255 false 
roIdId (Repository Object Identifier) of the DNS domain int false 
testingExecute command in testing mode boolean falsefalse Output

No additional return parameters

2.15.6. nameserver.deleteRecord

Deletes a nameserver record. Input

Table 2.191. Parameters

idId of the nameserver record int true 
testingExecute command in testing mode boolean falsefalse Output

No additional return parameters

2.15.7. nameserver.export

Creates a nameserver.export TXT Datei Input

Table 2.192. Parameters

domainDomain name token255 true Output

Table 2.193. Parameters

exportexport result text  

2.15.8. nameserver.exportlist

Nameserver List export as file Input

Table 2.194. Parameters

formatFormat of the requested document documentformat falseraw
domainSearch by domain name token0255 false*
wideMore detailed output int false1
pagePage number for paging int false1
pagelimitMax number of results per page int false20 Output

Table 2.195. Parameters

countLog timestamp int  
domainsDomains Log list array  

2.15.9. nameserver.exportrecords

Export nameserver records as file Input

Table 2.196. Parameters

formatRequest output of given format. Defaults to csv. documentformat falsecsv
nameFilter results by given record name. You can, for example, set domain names here. Wildcard * is allowed. token255 false 
pageIf limit is set, show entries from {page - 1}*{limit}. Defaults to 1. int false1
limitOnly return {limit} entries at once. Set to 0 for no limit. Defaults to 0. int false0 Output

Table 2.197. Parameters

countAmount of entries returned. int  
data Result file data in cleartext or base64 coded, depending on the selected format. CSV returns as clear text. Other formats are currently not supported. base64  


Get nameserver record details. Input

Table 2.198. Parameters

domainSearch by domain name token255 false 
roIdId (Repository Object Identifier) of the DNS domain int false 
recordIdSearch by record id int false 
typeSearch by record type text64 false 
nameSearch by record name text0255 false 
contentSearch by record content text1024 false 
ttlSearch by record ttl int false 
prioSearch by record priority int false Output

Table 2.199. Parameters

roIdId (Repository Object Identifier) of the DNS domain int Yes
domainDomain name token255 Yes
typeType of nameserver domain nsType Yes
masterIpMaster IP address ip Yes
lastZoneCheckTime of last zone check dateTime Yes
slaveDns  Yes
... nameHostname of the nameserver hostname  
... ipIp address of the nameserver ip  
SOAserialSOA-RR serial text064 Yes
countTotal number of domain records int Yes
record  Yes
... idId of the nameserver record int  
... nameName of the nameserver record token255  
... typeType of the nameserver record recordType  
... contentContent of the nameserver record text1024  
... ttlTTL (time to live) of the nameserver record int  
... prioPriority of the nameserver record int  
... urlRedirectTypeType of the url redirection urlRedirectType Yes
... urlRedirectTitleTitle of the frame redirection token255 Yes
... urlRedirectDescriptionDescription of the frame redirection token255 Yes
... urlRedirectKeywordsKeywords of the frame redirection token255 Yes
... urlRedirectFavIconFavIcon of the frame redirection token255 Yes
... urlAppendAppend the path to redirection boolean Yes

2.15.11. nameserver.list

List all nameserver domains. Input

Table 2.200. Parameters

domainSearch by domain name token0255 false*
wideMore detailed output int false1
pagePage number for paging int false1
pagelimitMax number of results per page int false20 Output

Table 2.201. Parameters

countTotal number of nameserver domains int  
... roIdId (Repository Object Identifier) of the DNS domain int  
... domainDomain name array_domain  
... typeType of nameserver domain nsType  
... masterIpMaster ip address ip Yes
... mailMail nameserver entry ip_url Yes
... webWeb nameserver entry ip_url Yes
... urlWeb forwarding url ip_url Yes
... urlTypeThe redirect type of the forwarding url (only if `url` is set) urlRedirectType Yes
... ipv4Web IPv4 address ip Yes
... ipv6Web IPv6 address ip Yes

2.15.12. nameserver.update

Updates a nameserver domain. Input

Table 2.202. Parameters

domainDomain name token255 false 
roIdId (Repository Object Identifier) of the DNS domain int false 
typeType of nameserver entry nsType false 
masterIpMaster ip address ip false 
nsList of nameserver nsList false 
webWeb nameserver entry token255 false 
mailMail nameserver entry token255 false 
urlRedirectTypeType of the url redirection urlRedirectType false 
urlRedirectTitleTitle of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectDescriptionDescription of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectFavIconFavIcon of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectKeywordsKeywords of the frame redirection token0255 false 
testingExecute command in testing mode boolean falsefalse Output

No additional return parameters

2.15.13. nameserver.updateRecord

Updates a nameserver record. Input

Table 2.203. Parameters

idId of the record array_int true 
nameName of the nameserver record token0255 false 
typeType of the nameserver record recordType false 
contentContent of the nameserver record text false 
prioPriority of the nameserver record int false 
ttlTTL (time to live) of the nameserver record int false 
urlRedirectTypeType of the url redirection urlRedirectType false 
urlRedirectTitleTitle of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectDescriptionDescription of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectFavIconFavIcon of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlRedirectKeywordsKeywords of the frame redirection token0255 false 
urlAppendAppend the path for redirection boolean falsefalse
testingExecute command in testing mode boolean falsefalse Output

No additional return parameters

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